2 Tell a Vision 
Normal Birth ~ 2020
Dedicated to Rehabilitating our National Maternity Care Policy by the year 2020
and replacing medicalized childbirth with Green Maternity Care

Attention: We are STILL upgrading our computer system

The Medicalization of
Normal Childbirth

as an Economic Issue:
New York Times'
Editorial on the
High Cost of Health Care
published 11-25-07

Green Maternity Care
 For Healthy Women
and a Healthy Planet

Cost-efficient, with a
Small Carbon Footprint


When providing care to a healthy childbearing population, physiological care should be the foremost standard
used by all birth attendants and in all birth settings

As a national maternity care policy, physiological principles should be integrated with the best advances in obstetrical medicine to create a single, evidence-based standard for all healthy women.

Looking for a Planet Friendly Birth Attendant?      Hit Counter Questions?   info@collegeofmidwives.org

Normal Birth Blog  &  Web-based Consumer Resources